Spec Racer Ford for Sale
Gen3 Spec Racer Ford for Sale
Gen3 conversion / frame off rebuild for 2020 season
- Features:
- Five 2020 race weekends
- New fuel cell 01/2020
- New tubular rockers 01/2020
- Butler aluminum seat
- Butler head surround
- Quick release MOMO steering wheel
- AIM MXL 2 / Smarty can
- Steel fuel cell/ footwell plates
- Engine just returned and installed from overrev service
- New center body section 01/2020
- New rear body section 01/2020
- 5 races on Complete GEN 3 transmission upgrade
- 3rd, 4th, 5th straight cut gears
- Kevlar clutch
- Weld on and bolt on steel skid plates/ sleeved tubes
- One set 12 spoke alloy wheels
- Two sets 4 spoke Shelby wheels
Price: $34,000
If interested in purchasing or for more information, please contact Beau Martin via phone at 815-334-0999 or 815-263-2070.